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Wesley Park

Wesley Park

Wesley Park is a concert classical guitarist and educator from the Los Angeles area. Because of his colorful playing and enjoyable programs, he has played professional concerts internationally in countries such as the United States, Canada, Germany, and Austria. Wesley is a protégé of the American classical guitar virtuoso Christopher Parkening who claimed that “Wesley makes beautiful music on the guitar, using tonal colors and contrasts, and utilizes the entire range of the guitar to bring out the intrinsic beauty of the instrument.”



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Sample Programs

A Tribute to Andrés Segovia

Passacalle y Canarios...Gaspar Sanz   trans. Christopher Parkening


Prelude from Cello Suite no. 1...J.S. Bach

Courante from Cello Suite no. 3...trans. Andrés Segovia


Galliard...John Dowland

Allemande...trans. Segovia


Estudio sin luz...Andrés Segovia


Prelude...Sylvius Leopold Weiss



Estudio no. 3 (Op. 6, No. 2)...Fernando Sor

Variations on a Theme of Mozart (Op. 9)    




Suite in Modo Polonico...Alexandre Tansman

          Entreé -  Tempo de Polonaise -  Kolysanka no. 2 -  Oberek


Suite Catalan...Traditional

          El Noi de la Mare...arr. Segovia/Llobet

          La Filla del Marxant

          La Filadora

          La Nit de Nadal


Burgalesa...Federico Moreno-Torroba



Recuerdos de la Alhambra...Francisco Tárrega


Leyenda...Isaac Albéniz

Music from the Americas

Norteña...Gorge Gomez Crespo

Natalia (Venezuelan Waltz)...Antonio Lauro


Two Preludes...Heitor Villa-Lobos


La Muerte del Angel...Astor Piazzola


Ballada de la Doncella Enamorada...Leo Brouwer

Afro-Cuban Lullaby


Julia Florida...Augustín Barrios


Bate-coxa...Marco Pereira




Preambulo and Allegro Vivo...Ponce


Old Hundredth...Traditional

Shenandoah...arr. Phillip Lester


Simple Gifts...Traditional  arr. Ronald Ravenscroft


America (My Country ‘tis of Thee)...Traditional  arr. Lester


Woven World...Andrew York

Sunburst (Jubilation)

Holiday Program

O Come, O Come Emmanuel...Traditional

Passacalle...Gaspar Sanz

Canarios...trans. Christopher Parkening


What Child is This? (Greensleeves)...Francis Cutting

Galliard...John Dowland


Prelude no. 1 from Well-Tempered Clavier...J.S. Bach

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring from Cantata no. 147...trans. Parkening


La Primavera ...Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco


Cavatina...Stanley Myers


Sunburst (Jubilation)...Andrew York




Prelude no. 4...Heitor Villa-Lobos


Rumores de la Caleta ...Isaac Albéniz


The First Noël...Traditional

El Noi de la Mare...arr. Segovia


Bate-coxa ...Marco Pereira


Simple Gifts...Traditional  arr. Ronald Ravenscroft


America (My Country ‘tis of Thee) ...Traditional  arr. Lester


The Shepherd ...Carlo Domeniconi

Sample Solo Program

Two Renaissance Pieces for Lute...Anonymous

          Bianco Fiore...trans. Andrés Segovia



Prelude No. 1 from The Well-Tempered Clavier...J.S. Bach

Prelude from Cello Suite No. 1 (arr. Segovia/Ponce)

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring from Cantata No. 147


Preambulo and Allegro Vivo...Alessandro Scarlatti


Prelude...Sylvius Leopold Weiss



Variations on a Theme of Mozart, (The Magic Flute)...Fernando Sor



Gymnopédie No. 1...Erik Satie   trans. Christopher Parkening


Pavane for a Sleeping Beauty...Maurice Ravel   trans. Jerrold Hyman

Empress of the Pagodas                                                


Prelude No. 2...Heitor Villa-Lobos

Prelude No. 4



Recuerdos de la Alhambra...Francisco Tárrega


La Primavera...Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco


Concerto for Guitar


Joaquín Rodrigo

          “Concierto de Aranjuez”


Antonio Vivaldi

          “Concerto in D Major”


Solo Pieces


Isaac Albéniz

         Leyenda (Asturias)   

Rumores de la Caleta (trans. Christopher Parkening)


Mateo Albeniz

          Sonata in D (trans. Patrick Russ) 


        America (arr. Philip Lester)

        Be Thou my Vision (arr. Jonathan Roth)

        Fairest Lord Jesus (arr. Ronald Ravenscroft)

         Jesus, We Want to Meet (arr. Patrick Russ)

         Old Hundredth (arr. Philip Lester)

         Simple Gifts (arr. Ronald Ravenscroft, John and BJ Sutherland)

         Shenandoah (arr. Philip Lester)

         Two Renaissance Pieces for Lute:

                Bianco Fiore (arr. Andrés Segovia)

                Saltarello (arr. Andrés Segovia)


J.S. Bach

        Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring from Cantata 147 (trans. Rick Foster)

        Prelude from BWV 998 (trans. Christopher Parkening)

        Prelude from BWV 999 (trans. Andrés Segovia)

        Prelude No. 1 from Well-Tempered Clavier (trans. Christopher Parkening)

        Prelude from Cello Suite No. 1 (trans. Andrés Segovia/Manuel Ponce)

        Courante from Cello Suite No. 3 (trans. Andrés Segovia)

        Gavotte from Cello Suite No. 6 (trans. Andrés Segovia)


Matteo Carcassi

        Study Nos. 1, 19


Claude Debussy

          The Girl with the Flaxen Hair (trans. Jack Marshall) 


Carlo Domeniconi

        Koyunbaba (The Shepherd)


John Dowland

          Allemande (My Lady Hunssdon’s Puffe)

          Fantasia no. 7


          Queen Elizabeth's Galliard


Mauro Giuliani

        Variations on a Theme of Handel, Op. 107


Luis de Narváez

        Guardame las Vacas


Manuel Ponce

          Preambulo and Allegro Vivo





Maurice Ravel

          Mother Goose Suite (trans. Jerrold Hyman):

          -Pavane of a Sleeping Beauty

          -Empress of the Pagodas  


Gaspar Sanz

        Passacalle de la cavallera de Napoles



Erik Satie

        Gymnopedie No. 1 (trans. Christopher Parkening)


Fernando Sor

        Estudio No. 1

        Estudio No. 3

        Variations on a Theme of Mozart (op. 9)


Alexandre Tansman   

        Suite Cavatina:

         - Scherzino

         - Danza Pomposa

          Suite in Modo Polonico:




          -Alla Polacca



Francisco Tárrega



        Capricho Árabe

        Recuerdos de la Alhambra


Frank Martin

          Quatre Pièces Brèves:




          -Comme une gigue


Frederico Moreno-Torroba


        Suite Castellana:

        - Fandanguillo

        - Arada

        - Danza


Joaquín Rodrigo


          Sarabande Loitaine

          Fantasia para un Gentilhombre


Heitor Villa-Lobos

        Prelude No. 1

        Prelude No. 2

        Prelude No. 4

        Etude No. 1

        Etude No. 11


Sylvius Leopold Weiss

        Passacaille (trans. Christopher Parkening)


Andrew York

        Squares Suspended

        Woven World



Duet Pieces



Le Rossignol (trans. Patrick Russ and Christopher Parkening)

Drewries Accordes (trans. Patrick Russ and Christopher Parkening)

La Volta (trans. Russ)


J.S. Bach/Sergei Rachmaninoff

Praludium from Cantata 29 (arr. Christopher Parkening and Patrick Russ)


Manuel de Falla

The Miller’s Dance from El Sombrero de Tres Picos (trans. Patrick Russ)

La Vida Breve from Spanish Dance No. 1 (trans. Emelio Pujol)


Deodat de Severac

An Old Music Box


Enrique Granados

Intermezzo from Goyescas Op. 11 (trans. Emelio Pujol)


Ernesto Halfter

Danza de la Pastora (trans. Patrick Russ)

Danza de la Gitana (trans. Russ)


Celso Machado



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Laudate Dominum (Praise ye the Lord) (trans. Ronald Ravenscroft)


Joaquín Rodrigo

De los alamos vengo, madre (trans. Patrick Russ)


Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco

          Prelude and Fugue, No. 4



El Paño Moruno (arr. Len Williams)


Joaquín Turina

Sacro Monte


Heitor Villa Lobos

Terezinha de Jesus (trans. Emelio Pujol)


Andrew York

Evening Dance


Wesley Park


Wesley Park is a concert classical guitarist and educator from the Los Angeles area. Because of his colorful playing and enjoyable programs, he has played professional concerts internationally in countries such as the United States, Canada, Germany, and Austria. Wesley is a protégé of the American classical guitar virtuoso Christopher Parkening who claimed that “Wesley makes beautiful music on the guitar, using tonal colors and contrasts, and utilizes the entire range of the guitar to bring out the intrinsic beauty of the instrument.” Wesley’s goal with the guitar is to carry on the legacy of the great Spanish guitarist, Andrés Segovia, and Christopher Parkening.

Wesley is in the Park Brothers guitar duo with his brother Alex, and is signed under the artist management label, Jean Schreiber Management. Together, they perform many concerts and events throughout the world. One these includes performing a tribute concert honoring the great Spanish guitarist, Andrés Segovia, alongside the Grammy® Award winning artists, the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet and Andrew York in 2019. They are also the recipient of the USC Thornton Ensemble Award for making a significant contribution to upholding the long tradition of guitar ensemble excellence.

Wesley is currently teaching guitar at Pepperdine University as an Adjunct Professor of Music. In addition to his work at Pepperdine, he has a private studio of dedicated students. He received his Masters of Music degree from the University of Southern California studying under Scott Tennant, and he received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Pepperdine University studying under Christopher Parkening. He is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Musical Arts degree at the University of Southern California. He has also studied privately with the Spanish Guitar Virtuoso, Angel Romero. When not engaged in musical activities, Wesley also enjoys surfing, trying out new restaurants, and participating in the devotional activities at his church, Citizens LA.


West Hills, CA  91307

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